Shoes made for walking; FRANKiE4 Footwear review

It was once nigh impossible to find shoes for travel and walking that were both stylish and comfortable. Enter FRANKiE4 Footwear’s podiatrist and physiotherapist designed range, now my preferred footwear choice for everyday wear as well as travel. [This post is sponsored by FRANKiE4 Footwear.] My FRANKiE4 Footwear love affair begins. When planning our 2015 […]

Dear Bali…..

I love you. We first met 38 years ago and I instantly fell in love. You were in fact my first international love; the first place I travelled to outside Australia. I was immediately captivated by your natural beauty, the warmth of your people and (at that time) your innocence. My love for you has […]

Magic Carpet Ride

We often hear of lottery winners and retirees taking that “Big Trip” and I wonder how that is for them if they choose 5-Star options? Do they travel for travels sake, undertake “tick box” tourism, is their travel focused or themed, or just a general “see what we find”? A few disclosures, then jump on […]

Older and Wiser